Insurance of civil liability of the liquidator

Civil liability insurance for bankruptcy trustees

Insurance of civil liability of a bankruptcy trustee (receiver, manager, liquidator) for damage that may be caused in connection with the performance of his duties is a type of insurance, the subject of which are property interests, not in conflict with the law, related to compensation of damage caused by the insured or another person, whose civil liability to third parties is insured, as a result of the professional activity of the bankruptcy trustee (receiver, manager, liquidator).

This type of insurance provides for the insurer's obligation to pay indemnification to a third party for a fee (premium, insurance payment, insurance premium) established by the insurance contract in accordance with the terms of the insurance contract for damage caused by unintentional actions or errors in the exercise of the powers of the insolvency manager (receiver, liquidator, liquidator).

Agricultural insurance

Agricultural insurance

Agricultural insurance (Insurance of agricultural products) is a type of insurance where the subject of the insurance contract are property rights, not contradicting the law, related to compensation of losses incurred by the Insured or another person designated by the Insured in the insurance contract while growing, harvesting agricultural crops and perennial plantations, growing (breeding), fattening (keeping) farm animals, poultry, rabbits, bee colonies and fur-bearing animals, growing, breeding, catching (harvesting) fish and other aquatic living resources, and other livestock products. This type of insurance provides for the Insurer's obligation to pay indemnity in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Insurance Contract by reimbursing the Insured or another person designated by the Insured in the Insurance Contract (the Beneficiary) for the loss incurred by the Insured in connection with the damage - death (loss) of crops (plantations)…

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Medical expenses insurance

Medical expenses insurance

Medical expenses insurance is a type of insurance under which the subject of the insurance contract are property interests, not in conflict with the law, related to the life, health of the Insured or a third party (the Insured) designated by the Insured in the insurance contract with his consent, as well as medical and additional expenses directly related to the occurrence of the insured event during the Insured's or the Insured's trip(s). This type of insurance provides for the Insurer's obligation to pay indemnification in the amount of the insured sum or a part thereof in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Insurance Contract by reimbursing documented expenses incurred by the Insured or the insured person for medical and other assistance in connection…

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Insurance of issued guarantees (sureties) and accepted guarantees

Insurance of issued and accepted guarantees (sureties)

Insurance of issued and accepted guarantees (sureties) is a type of insurance where the subject of the insurance contract are property interests that are not contrary to the law and are related to losses Losses incurred by the creditor as a result of non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of obligations by the guarantor (surety) in the amount and within the terms specified in the guarantee (surety agreement); Losses incurred by the guarantor (surety) as a result of non-performance (improper performance) by the debtor of its obligations to the creditor…

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