Loan insurance (including the borrower's liability for loan default)

Loan insurance (including borrower's liability for loan default) is a type of insurance where the subject of the insurance contract are property interests that do not contradict the law and are related to
- Losses incurred by the Insured (Lender) as a result of non-repayment or incomplete repayment of the loan and/or interest accrued thereon by the Borrower
- Liability of the Insured (Borrower) to the Lender for non-payment or incomplete repayment of the Loan and/or interest accrued thereon in accordance with the Loan Agreement.
This type of insurance provides for the Insurer's obligation to pay indemnity in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Insurance Contract by compensating the Lender or another person designated by the Insured in the Insurance Contract (Beneficiary) for the losses incurred by them as a result of the Borrower's failure to repay or incomplete repayment of the Loan Amount and/or Loan Interest due to the Borrower's failure to perform or improper performance of its obligations under the relevant Contract, including as a result of the guarantor's (surety's) failure to perform its obligations under the loan agreement.
Civil liability insurance (other than that provided for in paragraphs 12-14 of Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine "On Insurance") is a type of insurance other than civil liability insurance of owners of land, air and water transport (including carrier's liability), where the subject of the insurance contract are property interests that do not contradict the law on compensation for damage caused by the insured or another person whose civil liability is insured to life, health, ability to work or property of third parties. This type of insurance provides for the Insurer's obligation to pay indemnification in accordance with the terms of the insurance policy for damage caused to the life, health, working capacity and/or property of a third party by the person whose civil liability is insured as a result of his/her activities as specified in the insurance regulations and the insurance policy. Read more Watercraft Owners' Liability Insurance…
Watercraft Owners' Liability Insurance (including Carrier's Liability)
Watercraft Owners' Liability Insurance (including Carrier's Liability) is a type of insurance under which the subject of the insurance contract are property interests that do not contradict the law on compensation of damage caused by the Insured or another person whose civil liability is insured to life, health, working capacity, property of third parties, including owners of cargo and baggage (cargo), during operation of a watercraft and transportation or forwarding. This type of insurance provides for the Insurer's obligation to pay indemnity in accordance with the terms of the Insurance Contract for the payment (insurance premium, insurance payment, insurance premium) established by the Insurance Contract…
Aircraft Owner's Liability Insurance
Aircraft Owner's Liability Insurance (including Carrier's Liability) is a type of insurance under which the subject of the insurance contract are property interests not inconsistent with the law relating to compensation for damage caused by the Insured or another person whose civil liability is insured to life, health, working capacity, property of third parties, including owners of cargo and baggage (cargo), during operation of an aircraft and transportation or forwarding of cargo. This type of insurance…