Land transport insurance (except railway) Land transport insurance (except railway) - a type of insurance, according to which the subject of the insurance contract is property interests that do not contradict the law, related to the ownership, use and disposal of a land vehicle, including its trailer, and all types of vehicles special purpose. This type of insurance provides for the insurer's obligation to pay the insurance indemnity in accordance with the terms of the insurance contract for the fee established by the insurance contract (insurance premium, insurance payment, insurance premium) by indemnifying the insured or another person specified by the insured in the insurance contract (beneficiary) for loss, incurred by them in connection with damage, destruction or loss of the insured ground vehicle, including its trailer, and all types of special purpose vehicles, as well as, if provided for by the rules and the insurance contract, additional equipment to them. The condi...
Showing posts from November, 2022
Railway transport insurance Insurance of railway transport - a type of insurance, according to which the subject of the insurance contract is property interests, which do not contradict the law, related to the ownership, use and disposal of a railway vehicle (rolling stock). This type of insurance provides for the insurer's obligation to pay the insurance indemnity in accordance with the terms of the insurance contract for the fee established by the insurance contract (insurance premium, insurance payment, insurance premium) by indemnifying the insured or another person specified by the insured in the insurance contract (beneficiary) for loss, incurred by them in connection with damage, destruction or loss of the insured railway vehicle (individual units of rolling stock) and, if provided for by the rules and the insurance contract, additional equipment to it. The conditions of voluntary insurance of railway transport may provide for insurance against fire risks and risks of n...
Health insurance in case of illness
Health insurance in case of illness Health insurance in case of illness - a type of insurance under which the subject of the insurance contract is property interests that do not contradict the law, related to the life, health and working capacity of the insured or a third person (insured person) specified by the insured in the insurance contract with her consent. This type of insurance provides for the obligation of the insurer for the payment established by the insurance contract (insurance contribution, insurance payment, insurance premium) to make an insurance payment in accordance with the terms of the insurance contract in the amount of the insured sum or its part in the event of the death of the insured or the insured person, temporary loss by him ( her) of working capacity, establishment of his (her) disability as a result of an illness or in the case of his (her) illness, stipulated by the insurance contract, which happened to the insured or the insured person during the va...
Medical Insurance Medical insurance (continuous health insurance) - a type of insurance under which the subject of the insurance contract is property interests, which do not contradict the law, related to the health and working capacity of the insured or a third person (insured person) specified by the insured in the insurance contract with her consent. This type of insurance provides for the insurer's obligation to make an insurance payment in accordance with the terms of the insurance contract in the amount of the insured sum or its part for the fee established by the insurance contract (insurance contribution, insurance payment, insurance premium) by: payment of the cost of health care of a certain list and quality in the amount of the health insurance program chosen by the policyholder, which was provided to the policyholder or the insured person by the health care institutions to which he (she) applied during the validity of the contract, in connection with the disease, ...
Accident insurance Accident insurance - a type of insurance under which the subject of the insurance contract is property interests that do not contradict the law, related to the life, health and working capacity of the insured or a third person (insured person), specified by the insured in the insurance contract with his consent . This type of insurance provides for the obligation of the insurer for the payment established by the insurance contract (insurance contribution, insurance payment, insurance premium) to make an insurance payment in accordance with the terms of the insurance contract in the amount of the insured sum or its part in the event of the death of the insured or the insured person, temporary loss by him ( her) of working capacity, establishment of his (her) disability or his/her receiving of traumatic injuries and/or functional health disorders provided for by the insurance contract as a result of an accident that happened to the insured or the insured person dur...
Life insurance Life insurance is a type of insurance under which the subject of the insurance contract is property interests, which do not contradict the law, related to the life, health, working capacity and pension provision of the insured person. This type of insurance provides for the insurer's obligation to make an insurance payment in accordance with the insurance contract in the amount of the insured sum, its part and/or in the form of regular consecutive payments of the sums specified in the insurance contract for the fee established by the insurance contract (insurance premium, insurance payment, insurance premium) (annuity) in the event of the death of the insured person, as well as, if provided for by the insurance contract, in the event of the insured person's survival before the expiration of the insurance contract and/or the insured person reaching the age specified in the contract. In the event that upon the occurrence of an insured event, regular consecutive...
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